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Apricot Trees


Zone 93635 | Anonymous added on June 3, 2017 | Answered

I noticed silverfish or earwigs as identified by Home Depot.They suggested I use Sevin,which I did.Then i called the company and was told it was too hot to use that and I would stress the tree.I was old to water the base in the cool morning,which I did for the last couple of days at about 1/2 hr. each time.Now I notice little holes in the leaves and a film like on the fruit.I know I made a big mistake,know is it safe to eat the fruit?
Thank You.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 5, 2017

Since I can't identify the insect for you, I have listed a link that has information on the most common pests on Apricot Trees.

Neem Oil is a good treatment for these pests. Neem Oil is organic, and is safe for people, pets and bees.

Please refer to the label of the Sevin pesticide for food safety information.


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