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Q.Appropriation of fish,sawdust and molasses and water to make emulsion

Zone Malta | Anonymous added on January 14, 2019 | Answered

Hi Good evening,
Dear sir I was on this sight and was a lot interested to make my own fertilizer.
In one of the paragraphs talks about how to make it but stops short of the exact quantities one has to make to produce the best results.
This paragraph explains that one has to mix 1 part fresh fish 3 parts sawdust
and one bottle molasses.
My question is how many parts in weight (bottle) of molasses should I mix.
And how much water should I mix.
Thanks & Regards

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 15, 2019

Here's an article that takes it a little further:

And here's some more, plus videos:

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