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Passion Flower Vine

Q.Appropriate Use Of Passiflora Caerulea

Zone 44720 | Anonymous added on February 6, 2024 | Answered

Chain link fence running the back perimeter of my yard. It’s on the south side of the property, so it starts with a.m. sun then transitions to afternoon as the day goes by. Foe that a.m. sun, it’s in the clear; however, this monstrous oak sits at the other corner & shades abt 1/3 of that fence line. So, roots are a consideration (scared to plant any shrubbery), as is light, as is the squirrel family in that tree, + deer. I have issues, I know! Bought seeds of that passion flower. They sell them here in n.e. Ohio (6a) would this long vine work here with these bugaboo? IF not, something better?? Don’t wanna grow taller than the 5 foot fence cuz I have landscaped behind it.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 7, 2024

You are on the edge of passion vine's hardiness, and you need a hardy vine so you don't have to replant if roots are an issue. Here are some ideas in this article although I would not plant the invasive trumpet vine. There is a trumpet honeysuckle vine, or coral vine, that is not invasive, though it can get heavy on a fence if it's not pruned each spring.


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