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Soil Amendments

Q.Applied Weed Killer to Garden

Anonymous added on February 4, 2011 | Answered

I applied weed killer to my 1200 sq. ft. garden in December. I did not till in the fall, as I was waiting for the spring before planning to till. My soil needs to be amended. I live in SC (in the piedmont) and we have a lot of white clay. I am having 6 cubic yards of compost mix delivered, which will have about 1/3 mushroom compost. Can I till at the end of February and then apply the mulch on top?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 10, 2011

The answer in short? Yes.
But why till? Save time, money and backache...try lasagna gardening. Once you do, you'll never touch a tiller again!

The mushroom compost will be an exellent addition! For a nitrogen boost, I've always added some alfalfa to my 'recipe'. Look for it at any feed supply store. I used a 50lb bag on a 1000 sq ft garden.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask~
Happy gardening!

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