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Hyacinth Plant


Zone El Sobrante, Ca. 94803 Zone 14 | rpfelix@att.net added on September 3, 2016 | Answered

Some of the Yellow Delicious fruit on our tree turned brown, soft, and when they fall off and hit the ground, “SPLAT”! Messy and nasty – attracting ants, yellow jackets, etc. What is causing this and how can I prevent it? The majority of the apples are wonderful.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 4, 2016

It could be black fruit rot:


Alternatively, it could be blossom end rot, which can cause apples of the delicious varieties to go soft:


Also check whether there are any grubs or other insects inside the apples which could have caused them to rot.

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