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Apple Trees

Q.Apple Tree Bug and Worms

Anonymous added on May 10, 2011 | Answered

How do I get rid of pests on and in my apples without using an insecticide? I have an apple tree very near a fish pond, and I do not want to kill my pond.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 11, 2011

You can take some small red balls--about the size of an apple--and coat them with a sticky material. Then hang your fake apples on your apple trees, putting about four per tree, at shoulder height. This baits the maggots and they stick to the balls, which can be discarded. Be sure to get rid of infested fruit already on the tree first. Another method you can try is combining 1 part molasses to 9 parts water and add just a tad of yeast. Pour into several wide-mouthed jars and allow them to ferment until the bubbling subsides. Then, you can hang the jars on some strong limbs on your apple tree.

This article should help as well: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/apples/apple-maggots.htm

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