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Crepe Myrtle Trees

Q.Aphids on Crepe Myrtles

Anonymous added on August 13, 2015 | Answered

Is there a way to prevent Aphids from getting on Crepe Myrtles, and are white Crepe Myrtles more suseptible to Aphids? We have dwarf white Crepe Myrtles and have had problems since day one. We also have some older pink Crepe Myrtles that seldom ever have issues.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 14, 2015

Pests like aphids will tend to attack plants that are stressed. If you are having a re-occuring problem with aphids, this would indicate that there is something else stressing the tree. Reducing that stress will help reduce the aphid problem.

I would also recommend that you use a systemic pesticide like neem oil. This will help to make sure you reach the whole population of aphids on the tree.

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