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Beefsteak Tomatoes

Q.another tomato leaf question……

hygiene added on June 2, 2012 | Answered

I was just given the answer to water more due to my tomato leaves were limp. The answer worked almost immediatley. THANK YOU!

I have several plants but I have one large beefsteak tomato plant and the leaves are crunchy at the ends on the lower leaves, but the new growth was perfect. I decided since the soil was dry in the evening, I would water at night as well. I usually water in the mornings. Then I put Miracle Gro fertilizer to my plants that are in pots. Now all the leaves are starting to look dry and slightly curled and unhealthy. Did I fry them with fertilizer or should I just stick to watering in the mornings? I read they may need more nitrogen and to put well rotted manure as mulch. I cannot navigate these web sites and I am so sorry for all of the unending questions. Can you still help?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 2, 2012

since the plants are in pots, putting fertilizer for them keeps it more consentrated which can burn and kill the plants. try planting them in the ground and use less fertilizer. keep tomatoes watered always.
happy gardening!:)

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