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Norfolk Island Pine Trees

Q.an 8-1/2 ft. Norfolk Pine potted tree

Zone Cincinnati, OH 45204 | Anonymous added on September 8, 2017 | Answered

I am moving to a smaller space and have nowhere to house my 8-1/2 foot Norfolk pine which I’ve had since it was 6″ tall. It takes up about a 5ft. x 6 ft. area. (not to mention the 8ft.6″ tall dimension) I have the 8’6″ in height but not the floor space. I’ve read that if you cut off a branch it will never grow back. But what happens if you trim back the branches to take up less space? If that will hurt it in anyway, then the second question would be: are there any places that you know of that would take such trees and care for them in the Cincinnati area?
Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 9, 2017

Cincinnati does have a botanical garden located at the zoo, and the Krohn Conservatory in Eden Park. Perhaps they would want to adopt your tree or would know of someone who would.

Pruning is not recommended for Norfolk Pines because it permanently stops the tree's growth at the cut point, and the tree usually ends up looking (permanently) lopsided or awkwardly shaped. This is an option if you are desperate, though, since it shouldn't kill the tree, and would allow it to fit in your space.

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