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Amaryllis Plants


Zone 84770 | Anonymous added on March 14, 2024 | Answered

Do I water and fertilize my plant during that 8-10week dormant period?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 15, 2024

No, while dormant, the bulb is left in darkness in a cool area, with no water or food. After Christmas, keep it indoors and water and fertilize till you can move it outdoors (or keep it inside if plenty of light) after the danger of frost has passed. Outdoors keep it in a sunny area, water and fertilize till you are ready to initiate dormancy. Back off on water till you bring it inside to its dormant place, then no water or food. Wait about 10 weeks, then bring it back inside to warmth and light, and start watering again. Soon it should send up flower stalks. (Sometimes the leaves will come up first, then the stalks.)


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