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Amaryllis Plants

Q.Amaryllis Minerva plant has grown leaves but no stem, which seems to have died. It is brown and dried out. Can it grow a new stem?

Zone Rolesville, NC | Anonymous added on September 6, 2020 | Answered

If so, what can I do to encourage it to grow? I planted the bulb over the summer. The stem stub was green at one point, but never grew and eventually dried out. I may have planted the bulb incorrectly with more dirt over the bulb than recommended.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 7, 2020

It should regrow more stems. They go through blooming cycles. You do need to remove some of the potting soil so about 1/3 of the bulb shows at the top.

Follow the instructions below to get it to bloom again (if it has bloomed). It gives a time schedule for watering, fertilizing and allowing foliage to die back.

You can also just plant them in the garden in the spring after threat of frost has passed. They then will bloom yearly in the spring or early summer and multiply.



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