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Q.Amaryllis Fell Over, Stalk Cracked And Weeping.

Zone H9P 2C4 | Anonymous added on March 17, 2023 | Answered

Hi, my Amaryllis grew so tall that the weight of the 8 beautiful blooms leaning towards the light knocked it over, off the table and onto the floor. Surprisingly the blooms are still in tact, only some lost pollen, but the stalks are both cracked and weeping liquid/water. Should I cut them and place them in a vase of water so that the blooms will continue to open and live longer or will they survive attached to the bulb despite the cuts in the stalks? Will the stalks heal on their own? Would it help if I stake them and wrap them in cellophane? Thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 18, 2023

Your suggestion to cut them and put them in water was a good one. You can cut the remaining stalk off about an inch from the base but leave the leaves on the bulb to naturally wither and turn yellow.

I have taped a stalk before that had a split and it continued to bloom.


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