I was given an Amaryllis from a student a few days ago. It’s a single bulb in a vase with a tall stalk and no leaves. My son squeezed the stalk and cracked it in about 4 places. It is still standing tall, but will it die? Is there anything I can do to save it?

Oops, the things our kids do! Provide the stalk with support using a 1/4 inch dowel rods or small sticks. You may want support on both sides of the stalk. As crazy as it sounds, I would duck tape the cracked areas for support and to close any wounds and then tape the dowel rods to the duck tape. If the vasculature has been destroyed, you will lose the bloom. Leafy shoots will be appearing soon. These will nourish the bulb and let you try again next year. Info on re-using amaryllis bulbs is here: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/amaryllis-hippeastrum/amaryllis-bloom-again.htm