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Amaryllis Plants


Zone 08008 | Madpie added on November 14, 2017 | Answered

I purchased 6 amaryllis plants in hopes of them blooming for a house tour on December 7. They are in full bloom now on November 14. Is there a way I can make the blooms last almost 4 weeks?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 15, 2017

They way mine have always done, has been that they will flower within a few weeks of each other. As long as they do not get chilled, they should last. Not all of them will but there should still be some blooms left on it by that time. There is not real guarantee that this will be the case, but with proper care it is a real possibility. This article will help you with the care of these: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/amaryllis-hippeastrum/amaryllis-care-instructions-how-to-care-for-an-amaryllis.htm

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