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Amaryllis Plants


Zone 08873 | Anonymous added on November 11, 2017 | Answered

Hi, I got an amaryllis plant in spring of 2015 since than it has grown long leaves and even sprouted two new plants with a few leaves each. I have the plant in the same window year round facing north east. I like in NJ. I have not been able to get the plant to rebloom. My biggest concern is that is has had healthy green leaves up until a month ago- now they are droopy and yellow and I cannot figure out why. I water it pretty often but only once the top soil gets dried out to prevent over watering. how can I save the plant and rebloom it so far after its last bloom? Thank you!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 11, 2017

Make sure your plant is getting enough light. Low light could cause they yellowing leaves and droopiness. Also check that it is planted in very well drained soil. If the soil drainage is poor, the bottom of the pot could be staying wet even when the top of the soil is dry.

Here is a plan for helping an amaryllis rebloom:

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