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Amaryllis Plants


Anonymous added on September 19, 2015 | Answered

My greenhouse is starting to freeze. Have lifted the bulbs, hosed off and am drying in the sun. Still have green tops on. Do I cut that off before putting in the basement to store for a few months or store and remove when browned off? First time I have summered them in the greenhouse and they are really healthy. Also, can I trim back the roots or do I leave them long like they are?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 21, 2015

Yes, once plants are dry, cut the leaves off (trim the stem/foliage back to about 3 inches from above the bulb), wrap in newspaper and store in a dark, cool location. You can trim the roots if they are quite long but it is best to leave them intact if possible.

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