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Q.Am I Able To Make A Noise-reducing Berm In A Very Small Yard?

Zone 33629 | Anonymous added on December 26, 2021 | Answered

Hi, I have a very small city yard. I would like to reduce the noise coming from our neighbors ball playing. I just read your article about landscaping for noise reduction. I like the idea of adding in a berm with a hedge on top. How deep does the berm need to be? I have only 7 feet of depth to plant a hedge and shrub border. Can I add a berm? Do you have any other suggestions? Thank you for your help!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 27, 2021

Your berm needs to be wide enough to accommodate the spreading roots of your hedge. You may have room for two or three small shrubs in front of the berm, as well. Or you could plant perennials in front of the berm.

Here is info on how to build a berm. This article doesn't suggest such a tall and wide berm as the noise reduction article.


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