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Almond Trees

Q.Almond trees

Zone 3058 | Anonymous added on September 21, 2018 | Answered

We planted and bare rooted almond trees last year. We followed the instructions from a well known nursery to the letter. It is still looking dead and no new leaves. The top little branches are not at all green but the main stem at the bottom and some of the bottom branches are still a bit green. Should I cut back hard, including the top, and see if that helps, or is it dead?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 25, 2018

It's possible the top of the tree has died and that the root stock is still alive.
I do not know if you have grafted trees; you can usually see a graft joint at the base of the tree.
I would contact the seller, most reputable garden centers will guarantee their trees for 1 year.
There is no way to know what will grow from the root stock.



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