Q.Agave pups
I have a very successful potted Agave attenuata with five pups on a horizontal section of the stem. Most of the roots are below the pups. Some years ago I cut the stem with two pups, one is thriving, as is the original. I’d like to separate at least two of the pups into another pot, but am concerned that if I cut the stem to do so, the original will struggle. The agave are located in full sun on a north-facing deck in sub-tropical Brisbane, with some shade from trees and tall bamboo at times. Should I let the pups be, or is there a safe way to transplant them? Thanks.
Thanks, LuvaLeigh. Last time I cut through the main root - I take it from your answer that I can just excise the pups from the stem, rather than cut it in two. What a relief! I bought a pup-pot yesterday, so will get to work.
Removing the pups will not damage your parent Agave. You can take 1 or all depending on your preference. The cut site will callus over just like the pups will. Be sure to use sterilized equipment. Once the pup is removed, place it on some newspaper to allow for it to callus over before transplanting.