Q.After The Snow Occurrence In Texas Which Of Course Was Very Unusual, All But One Of My Crepe Myrtles Has Leafed Out And Doing Well
. One has lots of sucker coming out about 6”above ground. I’ve left them because I was afraid that was the only growth coming. But I’ve been patient and there is now a few spots of new growth in the upper branches. Do I remove the suckers to allow more energy for the upper portion or leave them to provide photosynthesis for the tree? After the snow occurrence in Texas which of course was very unusual, all but one of my crepe myrtles has leafed out and doing well. One has lots of sucker coming out about 6”above ground. I’ve left them because I was afraid that was the only growth coming. But I’ve been patient and there is now a few spots of new growth in the upper branches. Do I remove the suckers to allow more energy for the upper portion or leave them to provide photosynthesis for the tree?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You can cut the whole thing within a few inches of the ground and let it regrow from the roots. I used to live in Oklahoma and that is what we did when extreme winters froze the top growth. They regrow quickly.