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Nasturtium Plants

Q.after collecting last year’s seeds from my nasturtium plants — kept them to sow this year– i kept them in a small cardboard box.

Zone EX13 5SQ axminster devon | Anonymous added on July 28, 2019 | Answered

I gave some to my friend which he planted, and has had a good show of flowers, but when I planted the rest of the seeds in my tubs, I was surprised at what i was seeing, as they were not the same. They have kept on growing taller and taller and now they have grown into sunflowers, and I can’t believe it cause they are the only the nasturtium seeds I have had from last years plants, and have never had sunflowers before. Please can you help me, as my wife and friends think I am going loopy !!!! thankyou

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 28, 2019

Nasturtium seeds are very distinct in appearance from sunflower seeds. So I believe you. What I think happened is that a large bird, like a blue jay, or small 4 legged critter saw the recently worked soil and went "ah ha!" They cache or store sunflower seeds in soil. Loose dirt is easier for burying seeds. It's likely that your nasturtium seeds were tossed out in the process. If a neighbor has a bird feeder, this is the most likely cause of your unusual planting.

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