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Tree Hydrangeas

Q.Accidently Killed Hydrangea Tree

Zone 6 | tessasblackthumb added on August 23, 2020 | Answered

I cut back a large hydrangea tree that came with our property. I don’t know anything about it but it’s very well established, looks like an actual tree, up to my garage roof, and used to have large white hydrangeas. It never showed any signs of life this year. Just a bunch of pruned branches now. Is this trash or is there any sort of hope?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 25, 2020

The best thing that you can do is wait until next Spring. You will likely see signs of life from the roots!

If nothing happens by then, you can think about removing the tree and stump.

This article will help you with Tree Hydrangea care, in the even that your tree makes it through:


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