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Hyacinth Plant

Q.accidental roundup spray

Zone zone 8 about 60 miles south of Atl. | BirdsNest added on May 26, 2014 | Answered

When spraying with Roundup, I did not realize some of the mist must have gotten on the lower leaves and perhaps around the base of a well established hydrangea. That was about 10 days ago (May 16) and today I noticed it had a few dead stems. It’s in full bloom now so I’ve soaked it with water twice so far and cut out the dead stems at the base of the plant. I’m very concerned because the leaves seem to be yellowing. Would putting lime around the base work? HELP…..I’m afraid I’ve killed my beautiful hydrangea.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 27, 2014

There is no known antidote for RoundUp. Once the plant tissues have absorbed the poison, there's nothing to be done. I would not add anything to the soil except water, and that only in the accustomed amounts that have been keeping the plant healthy. Cut off the yellowed leaves, and hope the amount that hit the hydrangea was not enough to kill the entire plant. Sorry.

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