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Virginia Creeper Plants

Q.Accidental damage to Virginia creeper

Zone G12, glasgow | Brian.scott added on August 11, 2016 | Answered

A workman at our home accidentally cut and removed some of the near to main stem branches of the base of a wall Virginia creeper that is some 50 feet long. Will the distal portion survive on local water supplies from the wall? Also, the main stem bark has a 25% wound. What should we do to protect or repair this? Thank you

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 12, 2016

Unfortunately the parts of the plant that were cut off from the roots will probably die. If you wish to save some of the vine to plant again, you could try taking a cutting from it.

The main stem is likely to grow back and eventually cover the wall again. This article provides advice for protecting wounds in plants:

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