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Abutilon Plants

Q.Abutilon Flowering Maple

Zone 56367 | Anonymous added on March 5, 2019 | Answered

I’ve noticed shiny sticky stuff on the table I have my flowering maple plants sitting on. The plant seems to be always wilted-looking even though I have recently watered it. Also at looking at the trunk (if that is what it would be called) seems to have little redish brown stuff on it and appears to be a little sticky. I’ve had this type of plant for over ten years, usually starting new plants each winter as my mother always did and from whom I had received the plant. I’ve never had this problem before. Can you tell me please what may be wrong and what I should do for it? I’m almost ready to get rid of them, but then I’d lose a part of my mother’s legacy (she died in 2007). Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 5, 2019

Unfortunately, this can have many causes. Can you please include a photo? This will help me to see what is going on. Have you seen any insects? This is a very common cause for sap production. Another cause can be overwatering. You should always wait until the top is almost dry to water again. Make sure the container has good drainage, or it can lead to root rot.

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