Q.About stoped cassia plant growth…
My cassia (golden shower) plant’s growth is stoped, it is as it was 3 month ago. Height is still 3 feet and no new leaf is coming on it. What should I do with it? Any suggestions? Please help me, I germinated it from seed can’t let it die. Yea it is in pot. Now please give me solution if you have any. Thanks in advance ?
I'm in Bangkok and my Cassia fistula (planted in the ground earlier this year) grew like crazy, almost 3 meters during the rainy season. But it is slowing down now with with cooler weather and no rains.
In a pot there is more possibility for depressed growth due to water and nutrient issues.
A good rich potting soil, water and fertilization are the first considerations. If you think the soil is as good as you can get, then the next issue is water.
Adequate water is of utmost importance, consider using a soil moisture meter to take the guesswork out of when to water.
Fertilize at least spring and fall with a slow release natural fertilizer like this:
Consider re-potting with a nutrient rich potting soil like this: