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Hyacinth Plant

Q.About My Indoor Yucca Plant

grangemouth added on November 5, 2012 | Answered

My 31year old yucca plant has started to dry out half way up and looking quite dead, but it also has a new baby growing from the roots that’s looking very healthy. What should l do with the top half, as l am worried? Thanks.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 6, 2012

You can remove the top portion of the plant that is dead/dying. This will not only help its looks but removing this old growth will allow the plant to focus its energy on the new pup.

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Answered on November 6, 2012

grangemouth, by cutting off the top you will find the plant sprouting new stems rather quickly. It will sprout where you cut, rather from below, so make the cut a little lower than you might think.

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