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Q.about my dumb cane

Zone middleton wi | Anonymous added on April 13, 2016 | Answered

It’s healthy at 5’3; however, the stem has not thickened and I’m concerned that it will break at some point. I have pole support for 2 sides. Unlike other plants that I have, pinching the new growth to cause the stem to thicken hasn’t worked. What can I do?

thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 19, 2016

How to root the pruned off top?

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Answered on April 13, 2016

Sometimes thin dieffenbachia stems are due to incorrect care or placement. I would double check the care of your plant using the information in the following article:

When a dieffenbachia grows tall and thin like this, the recommendation is to prune it. Pruning will invigorate new growth on the stem just below where you make the pruning cut. You can even take the pruned off top and use it to propagate more dieffenbachia plants!

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