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Clover Plants

Q.About Microclover Lawn

Zone Aurora Colorado zone 5 | Anonymous added on August 30, 2022 | Answered

Several years ago I planted Crimsom clovers which are beautiful in the spring and half the summer. My clovers have grown up to about 2 feet this season because of a lot of rain this year. What I really want is the MICRO CLOVER which would be the perfect size. I read the article on the micro clover and it suggests mixing it with grass but I don’t want any more grass to deal with. That’s why I wanted a clover yard in the first place. My question is can I get the micro clover without the grass seeds? Also, what other ground covers would you recommend that are compatible with micro clover. If possible I’m looking to buy some. Thanks much!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 14, 2022

You can buy just the microclover in bags of seed to grow a whole lawn. You may have to buy it from an online retailer. The reason many people don't is because it costs about three times as much vs a premium lawn seed.

It also isn't recommended for the deep south where it is hot and humid for extended periods. But in your zone you should be OK. It also needs direct sun and ample moisture. You can lose patches of it during the winter.

On the Colorado Extension publications below you can click on "Ask an Expert" and ask how it does in Colorado. I didn't see it mentioned in any of their online publications.







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