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Hyacinth Plant

Q.about impatiens

Zone 60089 | earl.einhorn added on July 26, 2017 | Answered

can over watering hanging baskets of impatiens cause the leaves to turn yellow and drop off i cannot take photos

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 26, 2017

Overwatering displaces oxygen from the soil and can rot the tiny feeder roots. I hope you have drainage holes in the bottom! It also washes away long-acting fertilizer. It is ideal to dig your finger in the soil (or buy an inexpensive moisture tester) to see if the soil is dry. With overhead hanging baskets, I gently push up on the bottom of the pot (or lift, if it is low enough). If it isn't light as a feather, it probably doesn't need water. Once you do this for a few days, you'll get the feel of when water is needed.

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