Q.About fig planting in a pot.
Hello, Recently we bought a Chicago hardy variety of fig plant. Can we plant it in a pot and can still have enough fruits?? (Indoor on a deck).
Or planting outside will be the best option…? I m just conecern about its damage in winter as we live in spring hill tennesee where temp goes too low in winter.
Thank you

Consider plants in a container at least one zone colder than your normal zone. The Chicago hardy fig is rated for hardiness zones 5-10 so it should be OK outdoors in TN. The other option is to move the plant indoors or in a garage during winter. A rolling plant stand or the dolly used by movers makes this easier. Remember to water your plant all the way through fall and over winter. It won't need much water in winter but winter kill is often the result of a plant drying out. Here is an article about winterizing figs: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/figs/fig-cold-protection.htm