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Avocado Trees

Q.About an avacado and a plant

Zone east anglia England | PEACH added on July 16, 2012 | Answered

I have grown a avacado from a cob. It is about 6 inches high and in good health so far, but I know nothing about avacado plants. Please tell me how to look after it and manage it. Also, I have been given a spider plant, and I know nothing about spider plants. It now has little spiderlings growing from it. Do I cut off the spiderlings and plant them after they have finished flowering? Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 17, 2012

Your avocado has sprouted! Congratulations, many times they don't, or just get tiny little leaflets that never grow. Give it plenty of light, in summer you can put it outside in the shade - no sun hitting it, that would burn the leaves. Water when the soil feels almost dry 1/2 way down the pot, and make sure the soil is not soggy at the bottom. Make sure water runs out of the pot when you water until at least 1/4" collects; no need to empty it, the plant will use it. Fertilize every 3 or 4 months with a balanced water-soluble fertilizer; too much fertilizer creates salt build up in the soil. Re: spider plant, you don't have to cut off the spiderettes at all, if you don't want to. It depends on the amount of room you have, and the look you want. Give it high to medium light, plenty of water, let it get almost dry 1/4 of the way down the pot between waterings, fertilize every 3 or 4 months. It's a good idea to leach the soil (allow several gallons of water to run gently through the soil to wash out excess salts) once a year, and repot with fresh soil if you can.

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