Q.About a China Doll
My husband trimmed my China Doll down to nothing. It is not doing good at all now. I have mostly just a stick in the ground. It got a few leaves for a while. I was wondering if I could cut the main stem, or in this case the stick, clear down to the root or dirt and see if it will come back or do I just throw it away. Thank you for your feedback. Charlotte
Just leave it alone and let it heal.
Years ago, an extremely wise, acerbic and talented greenhouse owner said, "Honey, ya'll just keep on bringing those China Doll's back. I'll sell you something else and throw that thing in the compost." He changed my mind quickly, and I agree. They are beautiful, truly beautiful...until they start growing and the effects of lack of growth retardant, fertilizer, insecticide and high humidity become obvious. Sorry for the rant, but IMO, China Doll is the most difficult, picky, hard to please, high maintenance, intolerant and uncompromising houseplant ever. The only advice I have to offer is get another plant that isn't a pain in the rumpus.