Q.a young fruitless mulberry tree
My fruitless mulberry tree was planted about 9 months ago. It was growing well in the beginning but it just seems that nothing is happening with it – no growth, no leaves dropping, no leaves growing. Is that normal? It is on the front lawn and gets plenty of sun and water. I live outside of Palm Springs CA, the desert. Do I need to give it something?? Thanks

This could mean that it needs a little more humidity. Although this tree is a champion when it comes to surviving most any condition, it will always grow much better with the perfect condition.
They actually prefer some amount of shade, although they tolerate full sun. They are pretty tolerant of drought, but do like large amounts of water when available. They tend to do best when they have a cool down period for winter as well, though they usually hold their leaves even into the 30's on occasion.
This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/fruitless-mulberry/fruitless-mulberry-trees.htm