Q.A Tree in a Container
I am growing a potato bush that was trained to be a tree. I have this tree in a container on my patio. About 1-2 months ago, I pulled it outside when the weather warmed up and a couple days later all the new leaves it had just started growing all fell off. A week later we had a wind storm and knocked it over! After that nothing was growing back, till about a week ago, but only in two small spots at the bottom. The rest of it has no sign of life at all. Should I take all the small branches off and start all over, or should I just get a bigger container for it?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
First, it is normal for plants to drop leaves when they are relocated to another area; however, this should be a gradual adjustment to minimize stress on the plant. Nonetheless, they usually regrow their foliage once acclimated to their new surroundings. You could consider pruning the plant down to the new growth and make sure it is located in a wind-protected area. This article may help as well: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/growing-trees-in-containers.htm

Wait a bit and see if you get any growth anyplace else before trimming off the twigs that seem dead. Sounds like it got too cold and killed your spring growth. Dont traumatize it any more until it gets going again!!