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Q.A shady bed under an Italian bay

Zone West mersea colchester | Maggseliza added on April 24, 2017 | Answered

The bed was here when we moved just covered in weeds.
It has been cleared and lower branch taken off.
Would any grass grow here?
Cover bed with bark
What plants would do ok.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Liz Baessler
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 27, 2017

It looks like the bed is probably shaded most of the day, is that right?

If you're looking for grass that would grow there, here's an article that lists a bunch of shade tolerant varieties:

It looks more like a flower bed, though. If you'd like to grow flowers in it, here's an article all about shade-tolerant flowers:

If you'd like to split the difference, you could fill the spot in with groundcover - it would have the uniformity of grass, but the interest and texture of flowers. Here's an article all about shade-tolerant groundcovers:

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