Q.8′ Ponytail Palm
We planted a ponytail palm outside in Hilton Head, SC about 5 years ago. It has lived through the winter because we covered it! It has now grown above our roof and cannot get up there anymore. It also has little pups growing up the trunk, not on the bottom. Previously, I tried to cut them off, very carefully, not wanting to damage the trunk. I planted in potting soil and applied root growth, but could not get them going. Besides giving me guidance on saving some of the pups, would it be possible to cut off the top of the palm to be able to save it?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Here is some advice on growing ponytail palm pups:
Some gardeners have said that they cut off the top of their ponytail palm (usually accidentally) and the bottom trunk sprouted again. However, they don't always re-sprout, so you might lose the plant.