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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Mandevilla Vine Indoors for Winter

Zone northeast | eggwhite78 added on January 12, 2013 | Answered

I brought a mandevilla vine indoors for winter. I cut it back 1/3 and now it is regrowing. What do I do or should I just leave it? I live in the Northeast and warm weather won’t be here for at least 4 months.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 14, 2013

Put it in a spot indoors where it will receive as much light as possible, make sure it doesn't dry out between waterings, but doesn't stay too wet either; stick a wooden dowel or skewer into the soil to test it, it should feel slightly damp, and if you pull up some soil and squeeze it between your fingers, it should stick together, but no water should come out of it. This is the time to water again, and water enough that you get a runofff from the drainage holes. Don't fertilize it, and should be fine in the spring.

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