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Ginkgo Tree

Q.6 Month Old Ginkgo Saplings Wilting, Thin Stem Wrinkly. Heat Stress, How To Save?

Zone Madrid Spain | Agilmar8 added on July 29, 2022 | Answered

I planted a couple ginkgo trees in March (they had sprout in January). Now they are inside, receiving bright indirect light, in a very dry, hot room. We’ve been having a heat wave with temperatures of 40 Celsius max, 23 Celsius minimum. The leaves are still green but all down, looks like wilting. The little stem-trunk is kinda wrinkly. Roots appeared to be fine last time I checked, kinda light brown, but something is off. How to refresh them? Should I water, spray, how often, how, when, with cold water, put in front of a fan at nights…? Don’t wanna overwater because I’ve lost a couple to root knot bugs. Thanks!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 1, 2022

That soil looks quite dry! I would water once the soil is dry down to about halfway into the container. It will be time to pot them into the next size up, as well. I wouldn't go much bigger, but at least double that size container will suffice.

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