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Q.Getting rid of moss

Zone 6 | Cheyenne added on January 7, 2012 | Answered

In my backyard, which gets very little sun, I have a stone block wall around most of it. One side of the wall has earth to the top of it. The other side of the wall is covered with moss. How can I get rid of the moss and prevent it from growing again?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 8, 2012

Salt will do it, but the salt will also hurt any other plants in the area as it will run off eventually. You may want to try bleach. Bleach will kill the moss (and anything else it comes in contact with) but breaks down into harmless elements in about 12-24 hours. Boiling water is another option. Again, it will kill anything that it comes in contact with.

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