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Ficus Trees

Q.#5 Ficus Microarpe Nitida

Zone Woodland Hill, CA (Los Angeles) | bob@tekjobs.com added on June 12, 2017 | Answered

I brought a #5 Fuicus Microarpe Nitida 2 weeks ago. It supposed to be by a window with bright sun.

I don’t have it by a window and after 2 weeks of leaves falling off I gave it a good drink, hoping that would stop the leaves from falling off. But even more leaves are falling off now.

Do you think a plant light would stops the leaves from falling off or does it need to be feed?

Thanks for your help

Bob Moore
818 704 7722 Land Line days, nights or weekends 8 – 7:30 PST – Mon and Wed 8 – 4:45 PST

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 14, 2017

This is a tree that is suited for outdoor locations.
Indoor lighting and temperatures are not going to support this tree.
This link has information on this tree.


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