Q.30+ Year Old Peace Lily Needs Anybody’s Plant Expertise.
My plant probably needs to be repotted (last time I did it was maybe ~7 years ago) because it is mostly spending its time looking more wilted vs. its usual perky self. That (likely) last time I repotted it, I (obviously) split its significant other and it very very very unfortunately died. Hence I’m terrified to repot this plant, because the main plant that’s 30+ years old, might get shocked or whatever and then die. Ugh! This pot also has about 5 other medium/baby plants growing around it and I believe it really does need to be repotted but I don’t easily trust any of the online advice I see (eg the YouTube videos on handling peace lilies are for those that have lesser years than mine).

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I'm seeing signs of overwatering. It may signal that there was some attempted compensation for the entagled root mass not being able to absorb water as well.
This will, also, be what kills any offshoots with propagation. It is very important to minimize any damage to the main plant's root system, as it may not recover from it.
This brings us to the process... This should only be moved to a slightly larger container. Only an inch or two bigger on all sides. This will keep from overwatering, or at least help prevent it. Do not disturb the root mass more than you have to.
Any offshoots should be VERY CAREFULLY pried from the mother plant, and situation carefully without breaking roots. The plantlet should be allowed to dry out just a bit between waterings. Down to about 2 inches, almost completely. This will ensure that it does not remain too saturated, which will prevent root formation.
Here is an article that will help with the process: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/peace-lily/repotting-peace-lily-plant.htm
Here is an article that will give a refresher on their requirements: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/peace-lily/peace-lily-plants.htm