Q.30+ Year Old Angel Wing Begonia. Prune Or Not To Prune.
Previously I left this begonia outside in indirect sunlight in Tennessee. Not enough light inside so took into basement with one window in winter. It dropped all leaves and I cut it back each winter to about 3-4 inches. It always came back in the summer full and tall. I have now moved to Kentucky in a house with a wonderful sun room. I never took it outside this summer because it was happy and thriving inside. I did transplant it to a little larger pot than the one it has been in probably over 10 years. It has never bloomed, wish it would. Seems like it’s getting a little lanky and I thought I should prune it back some. Recommendations? It typically is in front of a 6′ tall window but xmas tree is there right now.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It should bloom if it gets enough bright, indirect light, humidity, and the proper nutrition. If you aren't fertilizing, try that and see if it blooms. Choose a fertilizer a little higher in phosphorus than nitrogen. You can lightly prune anytime, which also will encourage blooming.