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Grapefruit Trees

Q.3 Year Old Oro Blanco Grapefruit Tree Is Creating Frankenstein Grapefruit And That Are Not Edible.

Zone 85233 | jcmjcarboni042513@gmail.com added on January 15, 2021 | Answered

The skin is thick the meat is dry and tart. I have a Ruby Red on same watering and fertitization cycle those grapefruit are perfect. How can I fix this Oro Blanco issue?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 16, 2021

Unfortunately, your photos did not come through. I could guess that it is one of two things, though.

It could be a lack of sulfur, potassium, and phosphorus, OR a pH imbalance. (Grapefruit are very sensitive to pH ranges that are too far out of where they should be.

It could be a sucker from the root stock, as well. If this is the case, it will originate from the ground, or at least below the graft point. The tree will be an entirely different species of citrus in this case.

My first guess would be the first set of problems.

Here are some articles that will help:



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