Q.25 Yr Old Kentia Sitting In Soggy Soil 3-4 Days
15” Pot Too heavy to relocate … – I have removed saucer water – stuffed old fabric into saucer and drainage pot holes – loosened 2-3“ surface drenched Soil – have fan blowing on surface area – plan to continue use of dry fabric in drainage holes – Question: should I just remove Drenched soggy soil and replace with preferred new kentia potting soil?? Am concerned about causing more shock by touching root system ?? Thank you so much! 🙏🙃😳
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If the soil is well draining, it should be fine. I would remove the fabric, if you haven't, it needs to be able to drain. The fabric may act like a stopper.
You could replace just the top 2 to 3 inches without disturbing the roots. Here is more on their care: