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Calibrachoa Plants

Q.20 year old indoor Calocacia

Zone 94602 | Anonymous added on April 25, 2017 | Answered

Thank you for being here! I have a 16-20 year old Calocacia we call “Godzilla”. Super gappy plant in our window, however over the years it’s trunk has grown to 3-4′ and it is getting top heavy. We have come to a crossroads, as it is starting to fall away from the window. Over the years rotation has worked to keep it in the middle. It is slowly faling at any angle. The nursery suggested staking or a taller pot for root room to grow deeper and hold it. What do you suggest? We have had many baby godzillas come from this plant. Thank you again!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 26, 2017

I commend you on having a plant for so long and in such good condition.

I would also agree that a slightly larger pot could help to stabilize the plant.

I would find a container that is a bit taller and only about 1 inch or size larger in diameter.
Continue rotating the plant to keep the light as even as possible.


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