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Palm Tree Problems

Q.Bismark palm is leaning

Zone 33704 St Pete Fla | Cherita added on February 13, 2016 | Answered

My Bismark Palm was transplanted about 2 years ago. It was large (45 gallon container) when transplanted and has been healthy and stable in the soil. It is approx 10 ft tall and about the same diameter now. It is exposed to the wind and today we noticed it is leaning a bit to one side and I can rock it back upright. It still appears healthy with multiple new fronds and healthy leaves. Should we attempt to stake it up to prevent further leaning? Remove any of the lower fronds, even though they are not yet brown/dead?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 15, 2016

Palms like the Bismarck, can lose hold on the soil and become loose and floppy.
The Bismarck quite often needs to be staked.

A certified palm arborist may be needed to safely stake the palm, to avoid damage to the trunk.
You can contact your local County Extension Office for recommendations.



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