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Q.2 Quick questions about a Paper White bulb flower

Zone 71941 | Anonymous added on December 5, 2019 | Answered

I purchased a Paper White bulb today (no flowers on it yet) in a glass vase for bulbed flowers. The stalks are not far from maybe a foot tall and the bulb is pretty big. Very little instructions on the tag that came on the vase so I need to know… 1. Do I take the plastic wrapping off the bulb? And 2. Should I change the water today and if so should I use cold or warm water? It will be inside in the vase it came in (unless I need to put it in a different vase?) Also the roots are pretty long almost touching the bottom of the vase. Please get back to me on how to properly care for this new plant that I purchased today, I have never had one before but they are beautiful and seem to be easy to care for. Thank you, Brandi H.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 9, 2019

Yes remove the plastic from the bulb. You may want to add pebbles to the bottom of the vase to help anchor the roots. Keep water replaced as needed with tepid water. Here are instructions below for forcing the bulb. Also, I am including an article about growing paperwhites outdoors. (Although once they are forced, planting outside isn't usually successful.)



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