Q.2 Questions, One Concerning My Lime Tree And Other Is My Evergreen Trees
I replanted my lime tree 2 days ago. I want to know if I can great the disease now with a spray or any other advice in getting my lime tree healthy. I added since to the new soil. And my evergreen trees are browning inside and want to know what I can do to stop this. Thank you

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, your lime photo did not come through. I am unable to see the damage.
The Thuja does appear to be overwatered. This has likely lead to root rot and root suffocation. Fungicides may help, but it will not likely return to the same healthy look that it once had.
It could be likely that the Lime is suffering from the same issue. This is a common killer of citrus and other trees.
Treatment will consist of a fungicide, and correcting watering/environmental habits leading to the disease.
Make sure that the soil has a chance to dry out, thoroughly, down to at least 3 or 4 inches between waterings, when possible. This goes for both trees. If this is not possible, then you will want to look into biofungicide use. Here is an article that will help explain:
This article will help you with using standard fungicides:
Here are some articles to help you with the care of your trees: