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Foxtail Palm Trees

Q.18 Foxtail Looking Yellow

Zone 33578 | Brian OCONNOR added on October 18, 2023 | Answered

I am the HOA president for my community .I planted 18 Foxtail palms along a stretch of road in our community.they were doing great and now they are turning yellows (Tampa Florida). I’m looking for the right fertilizer for them. There is about a 2 foot dirt area around the base (no mulch)before the grass starts .They get regular watering (but not overwatered). I only take the fronds after they fold down to the ground.What is the best fertilizer for them and how much away from the trunk and around the outside of the 2 foot ring under the canopy? How do you find large bags of it? Home Depot etc. have smaller bags -Thanks from my whole community.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 18, 2023

Unfortunately, there are quite a few reasons that they can turn yellow. There are small details that will give you some answers as to what the issue is. Some of these issues include over/underwatering, nutrient deficiency (usually iron or calcium), pH imbalances, and certain diseases.

To narrow the possibilities you will need to either perform soils tests, or contact your local extension services. These articles will help:








This will help you to find your local extension service:


Unfortunately, the instructions on fertilizers will depend on what you choose. I recommend following all instructions on the container.

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